
Date : 21.06.2021 @ 4.00 pm Venue : Google meet Resource persons: Dr. Anthony Dein (Expertise in yoga, natural homeopathy, and counseling) and Ms. Rejeena shams(Yoga trainer) Beneficiaries:73 NSS volunteers Outcome: Conceived the importance of yoga in daily life and well educated about different positions in yoga. A webinar on International Yoga Day was conducted online through Google meet (http://meet. google.com / zam-vium-cae) on 21-06-2021 @ 4.00 pm. The chief guest of the day was Dr. Antony Dein, Expertise in yoga, natural homeopathy, and counseling, and Ms. Regina Shams, yoga trainer. 73 NSS Volunteers and two program officers named Dr. Princy Francis and Dr. Ansar E.B Participated in the webinar. NSS Volunteers named Ms. Fathima Farzana anchored the webinar. The prayer was delivered by the NSS volunteer Ms. Avani Nandha. Welcome speech was delivered by Ms. Neena T. K followed by a Presidential address by Dr. A. Biju, college principal. The introductory speech was delivered by Dr. Princy Francis and felicitation by Dr. Ansar E.B, NSS program officers. Yoga day message was delivered by Dr. Antony Dein, expertise in yoga, nature Homeopathy and counseling. Yoga class and The demonstration was presented by Ms. Rajeena shams, yoga trainer. Different types of positions in yoga and their steps were presented by Ms. Rajeena shams. NSS volunteer Mr. Munavar zaman gained a great appreciation for arranging a moment with these Chief guests. The webinar was ended with a vote of thanks by munavar zaman

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