A two days National conference was organized by MES Asmabi college, Kodungallur on behalf of the Golden jubilee celebration supported by Kerala State Biodiversity Board and Kerala State Higher Education Council. The conference was conducted with a special session on ““ Biodiversity of Western Ghats and Impact of flood 2018 on Biodiversity”” and has become the last programme of academic year 2018-2019. The programme started at 10.15 AMwith official session with prayer. Dr. E V Ansar, convener of National Conference welcomed the dignitaries and the students.The programme was chaired by Dr. Ajims P Muhammed, Principal, MES Asmabi College. He wished all the success to the co ordinates and participants. The conference was officially inaugurated by Dr. S Faizi,is a renowned Indian ecologist specializing in biodiversity management and international environmental policy.  He Started career as Field Biologist, Headed an international environmental NGO, had been UNESCO Fellow, Consultant Ecologist to IUCN and also a  Biodiversity Expert. Dr. S.Faizi has made remarkable contributions in biodiversity conservation at various levels. He has won many recognitions that includes the Lifetime Achievements Award of the III World Biodiversity Congress/Govt of Serbia (2015), Environmental Leadership Award 2003, and also the UNEP Global 500 Honour in 1988 which was given to the organization he was then heading.Helped create India’s first environmental compensation legislation as an expert member of Kerala Govt’s Plachimada High Power Committee. The Plachimada High Power Committee report in which he had the key role led to the creation of the first law in the country dedicated to environmental compensation.He appreciated the multidisciplinary topic chosen in the National conference. He also pointed out to Quoto Protocol,for the reduction of CO2 emission. He recorded his disagreement that “Man Creates Climate Change ” These serious issues are created by the corporate world instead of using the word Man.The best example for corporate exploitation is Plachimada. He concluded the inaugural speech with sustainability of natural recourses and the consideration on future generation. The inauguration section was followed by a plenary talk by Dr. A Ramakrishna,Former Director of Zoological Survey of India. He has 36 years of Research Experience.He won JanakiAmmal National Award for Taxonomic research from Government of India. He was the director of Zoological Survey of India. He started the plenary talk with various definitions of sustainable development and he introduced three major parameters of sustainability and its major components. The inter relations between environment,economy and society with its major components. He putforward the typical model of community to the talk with ecology and various ecosystems. He mainly pointed about the sustainable society and social progress index of many countries. “ Science,society  and policy are most important for a peaceful planet” he said. The Indian forest types,consequences of deforestations, habitat lose and also the fragmentations were included in his talk.He gave a detailed account on climatic changes like extreme draught and flood,unstable environment and natural hazards. “We the Indians are rich in biodiversity than other countries,90%of medicines are prepared from Indian plants .The valuable Neem and turmeric are Indian in origin, which have non-replaceable medicinal values”he said. The concentration of Co2 level in atmosphere,temperature variations and green house effect were discussed. Anthropogenic activities on nature causes severe mass extinction, draught,flood, forest fire, landslides etc.He concluded the talk with “We should be a part of sustainable consumptionon natural resource”. Dr.Sulthan Ahmed Ismail, an Indian 

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