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"Orange the Word" campaign : No Violence against women and Children

"Orange the Word" campaign, aimed at raising awareness and combating violence against women and children, was held on November 30, 2023, in the college auditorium from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM. The event was organized by the Women Development Cell in collaboration with the Women & Child Development Department, Government of Kerala. The program is presided by Dr Reena Mohamed, Vice principal followed by the welcome speech by Nasreen A, WDC Coordinator. 

Adv. Sheeja KR, a prominent legal counsellor, who was an Alumni of the college delivered the main talk during the campaign. She focused on the legal aspects of violence against women and children, highlighting the existing laws and the need for stricter implementation. She shed light on various legal remedies available to victims and emphasized the importance of creating a supportive environment.

Banumathi Mohan, family counselor, addressed the psychological impact of violence on women and children. She discussed the role of counseling in helping survivors cope with trauma and rebuild their lives. Amritha shared insights into the significance of family support and the community's role in fostering a healing environment.

Amritha Ashokan, another distinguished family counselor, delved into the dynamics of domestic violence and its ripple effects on the well-being of children. She emphasized the importance of breaking the cycle of violence through education and awareness. Banumathi also shared success stories of families who had overcome adversity with the right intervention.

The "Orange the Word" campaign served as a significant platform to address the pressing issue of violence against women and children. The insights provided by legal and family counselors were invaluable in shaping a comprehensive understanding of the problem. The event concluded with a commitment from the organizers and participants to actively work towards creating a society free from violence, where women and children can thrive without fear.





"Orange the Word" campaign : No Violence against women and Children



"Orange the Word" campaign : No Violence against women and Children



"Orange the Word" campaign : No Violence against women and Children


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"Orange the Word" campaign : No Violence against women and Children
