MES Asmabi college Old Students Association was formed to foster and perpetuate friendship and Co- operation among the old students. It aims to achieve this through small and informal group meetings of old students, organizing reunion in the college campus and by organizing central, regional and local Old Student Association. It also seeks to further the social, literary andcultural interest of old students through publications of books and articles. Association is expected to be a body to clannelize the resources for extending assistance to the deserving students and for the General & Special purposes of the literary and cultural in college.

The idea to form an old students association was the vision of the former principal Prof:P.K. Noorudheen. He convened a meeting of old students in November 1996.A thirty member adhoc committee was formed for organizing the association and Sri: K.M.Ahamed was nominated as the convener of the committee. The adhoc committee had completed all the preliminaries and after a massive membership campaign a general body meeting was held in Feb 1997. The objective of the general body was to enroll the old students as member of the Organisation and to decide the future course of action. All the former students attended the meeting were enrolled as member of the Association and decided to intensify the membership campaign and convene another general body soon.

The first official general body meeting was held in may 1997.It passed the by law of the Organization and elected the first executive committee headed by Adv.K.M.Mohiyudheen and VM.Dhananjayan as President and Secretary respectively. During the reign of the committee they actively run the organizations by undertaking several activities like distribution of scholarship to deserving students, adoption of students, award to top scorers, conducting essay competition etc.

A general body named "poorvavidyarthi sangamam' was held on may 14th 2003 for reconstitution of the Association. Principal Prof. P.K. Yacoob took initiative for convening such a meeting. A twenty one member executive committee was elected and Er. V.S. Siddique and Sri. K.P.Sumedhan were elected as president and secretary of the Atwenty one member executive Association.Since then the Association is active and several programmes were organized and implemented. Special general body held in 2nd oct 2003 amended the by law to rename the Association as Alumini Association to suite the name pattem of national level and to enroll staff and managing committee members as members of the Association. It also approved three classes of the membership, instead of the existing two, that is, ordinary, life and patron having a fee structure of Rs25/- Rs250/ Rs1000/-. Those who are interested to take 5 years membership are allowed it by remitting Rs.100- As per the bylaw annual general body meeting of the association will be held in May every year. The term of the committee is two years and at Present, Mr. K.P.Sumedhan is the president of the association and Mr.K.M. Mohammed Ashraf is the secretary. As a matter of fact the present committee is a continuation of the committee elected in may 2003. This committee organized several activities for maintaining the organisation as an active body and successfully Implemented many programmes of the Association.

Major Activities
Alumni day

In order to provide a stage for reunion of old students, Association decided to celebrate oct 2nd the Gandhijayandhi day" as the alumni day. Alumni day is a full day family meet of Asmabians, held in the college auditorium. It is an informal get together and the participants celebrate the day by organizing cultural programme, competition and many other entertainme programmes. Cenerally the participants, ie the old student and their family members were the performers of cultural programme also. Most of the participants were students from earlier batches, and we felt that they are enjoying it more than the students who left the college recently. The response from old students to this programme in quite encouraging, that is why the Organisation succeeded in conducting four such Alumni days ic, Oct 2nd 2003, 04, 05 and 06. We request all the former students to attend the programme on Oct 2nd every year and make it a memorable day.


One of the major objective of the organisation is to exdent financial assistance to the deserving students. As our College is located in costal village, large number of students are coming from families which deserve financial assistance. By realizing this fact, Association decided to distribute scholarship to as much students as possible. Fund for this purpose is generating from the old students and the response is quite encouraging. One mr. Salim, an aluminus of B.Com 1979-1982 batch sponsored scholarships to twenty-four students every year. Some other members were also sponsoring scholarship and last year Association managed to distribute 35 scholarship to different degree and PG Students. These students were selected by the concerned Head of the Departments on the basis of their academic performance and economic status. As the number of students seeking scholarship is increasing year after year, Association decided to give more importance to this activity. We expect more involvement from affluent old students for extending scholarship to more deserving students.

Success stories of old students

Thousands of students had already completed their study from our college and are working in different walk of life in India and abroad. Many of them are at the top of their office by holding respectable position. In order to introduce such successful personalities to our students, Association commenced the programme named Success stories of old students. We think that such a programme will help to create self confidence among our students and it will also be a great encouragement to their study: The first programme in this series was held in July 2006, by introducing the success story of Mr.VI. Salim (79-82 batch BCom student) General Manager, EMKEY Group of companies Abudhabi. His talk, explaining how his dedication and hard work helped him to reach the present position, was quite inspiring and the programme succeeded to achieve its objective Association wish to organize such programme every year by introducing one or more such personalities

Farewell to final year students

At present college offer eight degree and three PG courses in our campus. Every year more than three- hundred students leaves the campus after completing their course of study. Till the academic year 2003- 04 there was no common stage in our college to offer a fitting farewell to the outgoing students. Noticing this the association took initiative to offer a proper farewell to them. At the end of the academic year association invite all the final year students to the college auditorium and extent a warm send-off to them. It provide an opportunity to the students to share their experience and expectation in the presence of principal, teachers and their classmates. It is the only programme of this kind in the college. This programme also gives an opportunity to the association to introduce the activity of the association to the outgoing students

Medicinal plant garden

During the academic year 2004-05, association decided to develop a medicinal plant garden in the campus. The plot was allotted by the management and the plants were collected from Agriculture University Thrissur Several plants were also collected locally. Committee member Mr. K.G Bheeshmer was in charge of the garden. Surrounded by a greenery fencing now it shows the presence of our Association in the campus. Management of the college is maintaining the garden, havinga large variety of medicinal plants.


Completion of this directory is the fulfillment of the long cherished desire of the members of the Association. The directory provides ready reference to find the personal bio-data of an old student. We expect that it will help to increase the contact between them and will lead to the union of former students. Even though thousands of students had competed their study from our college, we were able to include the name of about three-thousand students in this issue. Its usefulness is limited in this scree, but it is a base for expanding the directory in future

Classmates Family Meets

Association is also encouraging classmates family get together. Meeting of class mates after the gap of a long period is an experience that we cannot express through words. First of this kind was held on Sunday, August 19th 2007 in the college auditorium Classmates of 1979-82 batch met in the college after a period of 25 years. For many of them it was the first reunion after the college days. All the students of the batch except few, those who are working abroad, attended the programmealong with their kith and kin. Principa Pro. PK. Yaqoob, teachers of the batch Prof. K.A.Abdul Rahiman, Prof. PA.Ziyavudeen Ahammad and Prof. Yadeendradas where also present to share the memories. Sri K.K. Kunjumoideen (Secretary & Core-spodent of the college), Sri. V.1. Salim (General Manager, EMKEY Group, Abudabi), Sri. K.P. Sumedhan (Lecturer in Commerce M.ES.Asmabi College), of the same butch, took initiative to arrange the get together. Sri. K.M. Mohamed Ashraf,Secretary Alumni Association was also present Students from other batches are requested to take initiative to organize such family meet of class mates. Alumni Association will extent all possible assistance for such get together

Other activities

To strengthen the relationship between members and their families, Association organized a family tour in December 2005. Our student support activities include awards to the top scorers of university examination, prize to the top scorer in first and second year university examination and award to the incoming students in every Department. Association also organizes seminars, essay competition, quiz competition and personality development classes for the benefit of the students At present the association has ten patron,one hundred and thirty one life members and more then Two fifty active ordinary members. Of course the membership base of the association is poor and it is necessary to make earnest effort to increase the membership base. Association has units in gulf countries also and they are active in socio cultural activities. It is proud to know that our Alumnus are holding key position in All kerala alumni association, a gulf based organisation of the alumni association of different college of kerala. Even though the units out side India was not formally affiliated to the parent organisation, they are in frequent touch with us and soon, we expect, they will affiliate with the parent organisation. They informed that they are ready to extent their support to all the activities of the association, especially in student support activities. At this juncture we remember all the support and encouragement from our beloved Principal prof. P.K. Yacoob and the managing committee of MES Asmabi College. The keen interest of our Principal is a major factor which leads to the re- organisation of the association and its subsequent activities. Managing committee, many of them are former students of our college, is also extending all possible assistance to see that alumni association is a functioning organisation in the college. We request all the former students to enroll as member of the association and be part of the activity of the association. The golden days are not gone for ever, we will meet at October 2 every year to commemorate those moments. Welcome to all of you to our lively college campus