Since the college started functioning in 1968 Indian history and world history have been taught in pre degree classes. With the commencement of BA Degree in Economics in 1981.Modern indian history was introduced as a subsidiary subject. In 1993 the social and cultural history of Britain was introduced as a subsidiary subject with the starting of BA Degree course in English literature.

Department is promoting participatory learning. Department organizes student seminars, group discussion to train students. Department is keen in developing interdisciplinary inquiry in history.

Deep study of the past and surrounding areas.


Max Intake Date of introduction Download Syllabus CO PO PSO

Complimentary (History)

36 2022-06-05

Certificate (History for Competitive Examinations)

25 2021-07-14


Semeerkhan. P HOD

Semeerkhan. P

Assistant Professor

Saidalavi VP HOD

Saidalavi VP

Assistant Professor