OBC Cell


OBC cell of MES Asmabi college stands for the well being of financially and educationally

backward students  of the College. . It is a specialised Cell which functions in the campus in

accordance with the XI plan guidelines of the University Grants Commission for the OBC

community that works towards the upliftment and grievance redressal of this community.

This cell ensures that OBC students are brought together with some useful programs like

career advancement classes, motivational classes, scholarship awareness classes etc. It

endeavours to ensure equal access to all opportunities.The vision of the institution states the

other backward community as the backbone of this institution. As most of the students are

from the other backward communities their educational upliftment becomes its prime

objective. OBC cell of Asmabi plays a pivotal role in fulfilling this prime mission of the


Objectives of the cell:


  • To ensure there is no caste based discrimination in our college.


  • To redress the grievances of OBC students.


  • To enhance the employability of OBC students.


  • To ensure equal opportunity in all spheres.



  • Orientation programmess were organized to create awareness in the students

about governmental and non-governmental scholarships


  • Career guidance and personality development classes


  • Remedial coaching provided by departments in addition to personal counseling


  • Advanced learners help the weak students through peer teaching programme.



  • Special coaching class for competitive exams are provided


  • Motivational cum communicative skills Class.

Committee Members


 Dr.A. Biju (Principal) ,  Chairman

Mrs.Jameelathu.KA,(Department of English) Laison Officer

Mrs.Sabeena. PA (Department of Mathematics) ,Member

Mrs.Tincy.A J (Department of English),Member

Mohamed Ali    (II BA English) Student Member

Jameelathu K.A.

Assistant Professor

Sabeena P A

Recent Activities as


Digital Age and mental Stress

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Date of introduction Download reports

Annual Report 18-19


Annual Report 2020-2021


Annual Report 2021-2022


Annual report 2022-2023


Annual Report 2019-2020


